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Prelude Conducting Academy

The Prelude Conducting Academy returns after an enormously successful debut in 2018! Maestro Gambetta developed this innovative, inclusive conducting course for:

  • novice conductors searching for an outstanding first workshop;
  • music educators who wish to improve their conducting skills;
  • student conductors preparing for graduate conducting study; and
  • experienced conductors preparing for auditions or competitions.

Novice Conductors

Maybe you recently took a conducting class or started private conducting lessons, and you feel ready to lead a professional ensemble. The Novice Track offers a carefully selected repertoire list that will facilitate your technical development while thoughtful, supportive instruction corrects physical problems, deepens your musicianship and builds your confidence.

Music Educators

After a few years of conducting band or orchestra, music educators often find deficiencies in their conducting that they would like to address. The Music Educator Track fills those gaps while eliminating unproductive movement habits and sharpening your conducting practice in a safe, supportive learning environment.

Graduate Studies

Are you preparing for graduate conducting study? The Graduate Studies Track offers opportunities to study and conduct pieces listed on many graduate audition lists, and you will receive additional coaching from the faculty designed to help you succeed at the audition and that all important letter of acceptance.


Perhaps you are considering competitions, or you feel ready for your first conducting job. The Competitions/Auditions Track will arm you with a competitive edge that will increase your chances for success. Study and conduct repertoire you choose while benefiting from coaching and “intelligence” that will help you prepare for the highly competitive conducting competition and job markets.

Conductor Michelle Joy, 2018 Prelude Conducting Academy

Prelude Conducting Academy Repertoire

Maestro Gambetta selects the repertoire to include pieces suitable for conductors in each of the four tracks. The list is split into two sections: the first for novices and music educators and the second for those preparing for graduate study, competitions or auditions.

Novices/Music Educators

Barber Adagio for Strings

Beethoven Coriolan Overture

Beethoven Symphony No. 1 (Mvts 1 & 4)

Beethoven Symphony No. 2 (Mvts 1, 2 & 4)

Brahms Hungarian Dances 5 & 6

Dvořák Slavonic Dances, Op. 46 Nos. 1, 3 & 8

Dvořák Serenade for Strings (Mvts 1 & 2)

Grieg Peer Gynt Suite No. 1

Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture

Mozart Divertimenti, K. 136 & 138

Mozart Eine kleine Nachtmusik

Mozart Le nozze di Figaro Overture

Mozart Symphonies 29 & 35

Ravel Pavane pour une infante défunte

Saint-Saëns Danse macabre

Schubert Symphonies 5 and 8

Sibelius Romanze in C

Strauss, J Kaiser-Walzer

Tchaikovsky Marche Slave

Wagner Die Meistersinger Prelude


Beethoven Egmont Overture

Beethoven Leonore Overture No 3

Beethoven Symphonies 3, 5 & 7

Brahms Academic Festival Overture

Brahms Symphonies 1 and 3

Britten Simple Symphony

Debussy La mer

Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune

Dvořák Symphony No. 9

Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4

Mozart Die Zauberflöte Overture

Mozart Symphonies 38, 39 and 40

Schumann Manfred Overture

Strauss, J Die Fledermaus Overture

Strauss, R Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche

Stravinsky Firebird Suite (1919)

Tchaikovsky Serenade for Strings

Tchaikovsky Symphonies 4 & 6

Prelude Academy Strings, 2018 concert
Tuition and Curriculum

The $1,795 US Prelude Conducting Academy tuition entitles students to 150 minutes of podium time with professional string quintet and piano including six 20-minute sessions, one 15 to 25-minute general rehearsal and one 8 to 15-minute public performance.

The curriculum also includes 30 minutes of video review with faculty, an audition prep masterclass, score study and musicianship seminars and daily Embodied Conducting℠ instruction. The tuition covers the cost of a semi-private hotel room with breakfast. Private rooms are available for an additional charge.

Scholarships and Discounts

Returning Institute alumni receive a $100 US scholarship. Conductors who combine the Prelude Academy with either the Advanced Conducting Academy or Mastering Concertos receive a $300 US tuition discount for attending two Institute programs. The maximum discount allowed is $400 US.

Cultural Excursion

The Institute offers students a special one-day cultural excursion. The trip includes visits to Ancient Corinth and the famed Ancient Greek Theatre of Epidaurus. Students pay a small fee to cover the cost of transportation and admission to the historical sites.

Grand Canal, Corinth, Greece
Roman Columns at Ancient Corinth

Prelude Conducting Academy Schedule

Tuesday June 29 is arrival day. You should plan to arrive in Athens no later than 4:00 pm local time. Students make the 100 km trip from the airport to Kiato by commuter rail service. You’ll have time for the beach and supper after check-in at the hotel.

Conductors gather Wednesday morning after breakfast for a welcome session at 9:30 am. The first conducting session begins at 11:00 am.

Each conductor works with the sextet for 10 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.

Maestro Gambetta leads afternoon Embodied Conducting sessions that help conductors improve connections between their movements and musical intentions.

On Saturday, July 3, we will visit the Greek Theatre at Epidaurus and Ancient Corinth.

The curriculum also includes a score study seminar and a special audition prep masterclass.

The course concludes with morning general rehearsals and evening concerts on Wednesday July 7 and Thursday July 8.

Students depart for Athens Airport by commuter rail on Friday July 9 at 8:00 am to connect with departing flights after 11:00 am.

Typical Instructional Day

10:00 Morning Conducting Prep

11:00 Morning Rehearsal

13:00 Lunch

15:30 Embodied Conducting℠

17:00 Evening Rehearsal

20:00 Video Review

20:30 Dinner

Typical Concert Day Schedule

9:30 General Rehearsal Prep

10:30 General Rehearsal

13:00 Lunch

16:00 Masterclass

19:30 Concert Prep

21:00 Concert

22:30 Post Concert Gathering

2018 Prelude Conducting Academy Class of 2018

Institute Student Comments

  • 2018 Prelude Conducting Academy conductor

    The Embodied Conducting sessions provided knowledge of body movement within the context of conducting that I never knew was possible.

  • 2018 Prelude Conducting Academy conductor

    The excursion to Epidarius and Ancient Corinth was incredible, one of the most moving experiences of my life.

  • 2018 Prelude Conducting Academy conductor

    The Prelude Academy is a great way to explore Greece, learn timeless music and meet new friends and colleagues all for an incredibly affordable price.